Make job listings stand out with a visual statement by customizing font options and formatting, as well as including images and hyperlinks.
The ExactHire ATS offers a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor in the job description field.
- Use the New Job button to create a new job or edit an existing job in the Job Details tab of the job.
- Scroll to the Description box. Enter the description text by either typing into the field, copy and paste, or using a Job Template to auto fill. Highlight the text to be formatted.
- To add text formatting use the WYSIWYG tools at the top of the description box to alter the paragraph formatting, font settings, text alignment, list options, and more.
- To add an image to the description, place the cursor at the location in the job description text where the image should be inserted and click the Add Image icon.
- The image pop up box will appear. Enter the URL for the image in the Source field. Add description verbiage and adjust the width and height, if desired. Adding a description is helpful for applicants that use any type of computer assistance for disability purposes. Click Save.
- To add a hyperlink to the description, place the cursor at the location in the job description text where the hyperlink should be inserted. Click the Insert Link icon.
- This link pop up box will appear. Enter the URL for the hyperlink and the text to display in the body of the description. A title may be added, if desired. Select to open the hyperlink in the current window or new window. Click Save.