The ExactHire ATS has the ability to integrate a Calendar feature to allow scheduling of events with applicants.
To use this feature, the Calendar tool must be activated for the software. Contact to discuss adding this featured tool.
Once the feature has been activated for the software, each user will need to set up the tool specific to their user account.
- Click on the Profile icon, and then on My Calendar.
- Add a Calendar by clicking the +Add calendar account. Multiple calendars may be added, as needed. Each user who syncs at least one calendar will occupy an individual seat. Please reference the agreed package for the number of seats available to the organization.
- Select the calendar provider.
- Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and click the green button to Link the account.
- The calendar account will sync with the ExactHire ATS. Once the calendar is synced (ACTIVE) to the ExactHire ATS, the user will be able to select available time slots, Schedule An Interview, View Calendar Agenda, Authorize Video Conferencing, and even remove the calendar.
Available Time Slots
The user may select standard time slots on the main calendar found on the My Calendar page. This is particularly helpful if there are standard, recurring available time slots. Select and deselect standard availability by clicking on the time slot. Click Save New Rules to save standard availability selections.
Schedule an Event
- Invite an applicant to an event by clicking the More Options button within the applicant record.
- Then click Create Event.
- Select the preferred duration (in minutes) for the interview time frame from the drop down list. The default time frame is 30 minutes. By clicking, select or deselect the offered interview time slots displayed on the calendar options to be used for this interview invitation. Use the left and right navigation buttons to move from week to week.
- If using multiple calendars, select which calendars should be used in selecting event date/times and event scheduled on.
- Available time slots will be light green. Selected time slots will be highlighted dark green. Click Confirm Time(s) to proceed with the interview invitation. If at any point in time, before clicking confirm on the next image, the invitation should not be sent, click the x at the top right side of the screen to go back to the application.
- Confirm the details of the event invitation. Select the appropriate calendar from the Inviting Calendar list. Verify the applicant email address, name, job title, and location. Select any Guests, if needed. Add Video Conferencing, if needed. Alter the Event Title and Event Description, if needed. Communication Templates may be used in the Event Description using the ADD icon. Click Confirm to send the invitation.
- Confirmation of the sent invitation will appear as well as an entry made in the Activity Log.
- The applicant will receive an invitation by email.
- The applicant will CLICK HERE (link within the email) to view the available interview time slots offered. The applicant will select a day and then the offered available time slots will become visible for selection.
- Once a time slot has been selected, an interview invitation will be sent to the applicant and the user.
- The applicant will accept the meeting invitation in their email.
- A notification email will be sent to the ExactHire user along with the calendar invitation. The Activity Log in the applicant record will be updated to reflect the scheduled interview.
- Notation of the event will also be found by clicking the More Options button within the applicant record, under Scheduled Events.
- If the applicant is unavailable during the offered interview time slots, the applicant will click the button stating “I can’t do any of those days” and a reschedule request email will be sent to the ExactHire user requesting the interview.
View Calendar Agenda
The user has quick access to their synced calendar agenda within the ExactHire ATS by clicking View Calendar Agenda on the My Calendar page. This calendar view is “View Only” so edits cannot be made in this view. It is helpful when identifying other items that might be scheduled on a specific day.
Authorize Video Conferencing
In order to add a video meeting link to an event with an applicant the User will need to authorize those conferencing providers. Click Authorize Video Conferencing to use Zoom, Microsoft Teams, GoTo Meeting, etc. An email with instruction will be sent to the user.