If your organization is subject to affirmative action plan reporting, then you will likely be interested in building an applicant flow log report in your ATS site.
Because individual preferences for column header titles and column order tend to vary with each organization, we have not created a flow log report in our Standard Reports tab, but rather offer instructions on how to create a custom report in your Report Builder tab so that you can be sure your report meets your own specifications.Within the Reports dashboard, navigate to the Report Builder tab. Click on the green plus icon in order to start the process of building a new report. Then, give your report a title, add an optional description, and select "Applicants by Job Listing" for the Report Type field.
Once the top portion of this window is complete, you can see from the above image that it is just a matter of selecting which fields you prefer as your report's column headers, as well as your desired order for those columns. To select a field from the "Available Fields" box, simply click on its name and it will pop over to the "Report Fields" box.
Then, from within the Report Fields area, you may click on the up or down arrows to change the order in which the columns will display from left to right in your report. To preview your progress, click the "Preview" button. Otherwise, when you are satisfied with the fields selected, click the "Next" button to move on to the final screen and edit your column header titles.
If you prefer to change the names of your columns, simply retype your preferred name in each of the provided text boxes (see image above) on the right side. Then, click "Save" at the bottom of the window. Your report will then be complete and available for future use from within your "Report Builder" tab.