Applicant Frequently Asked Questions

Having a problem completing your application? Read tips for applying for a job here. Below are some additional common questions and answers grouped by topic.


Can I get more information and/or details about this job (Example: pay, hours, company phone number)?

You will need to contact the employing company directly to access more details about the company or a specific job opportunity.


How do I use my existing account to apply for a job?

Enter your email address to begin the application. The Verify Account information will appear on your page. Select to receive your verification code by email or text message. Enter the verification code to continue your application.

How do I update my account contact information?

Click My Account at the bottom of the page and enter your email address. An email will be sent to the email account you entered. Click the link in the email to be taken to your contact information. Make the needed edits and SAVE.

I am trying to create a new account and I keep seeing information turn red, labeled Required Field.

Make sure you have filled in every field. If you do not have an answer just add an "N/A".


I am not seeing the screen correctly and/or some instructions seem to be missing. What should I do?

You may be using an older browser. Please upgrade to the latest version of your preferred browser (for ex. Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc.). Microsoft has replaced Internet Explorer with Edge as IE is no longer actively supported. You may also try clearing your cache.


If I leave the application before submitting, will the information I have already entered be saved?

No, if you leave the application without submitting you will need to begin a new application upon your return.

I have filled out the sections, but the system is not allowing me to save or move forward. How can I progress?

Verify that you have responded to all required fields in order to meet the requirement of the application and proceed to submit the form.


Why isn't the resume section marked as checked even though I have uploaded a resume?

If you have already uploaded a resume and the section is not showing as complete, try copying and pasting your resume in the text box to meet the requirement of a text resume.

Why won't my resume upload successfully?

You may only upload documents that are saved as DOC, DOCX, TXT, or PDF file formats. Make sure you have saved it in one of the above formats and that the file name ends in one of the above formats (Example: resume.doc). Ensure that your file is 2 MB or smaller. If it is too large, you will need to condense/shorten it or save it as more than one document (with each file being 2 MB or smaller).


What is meant by "Professional References"?

Professional references are people that you have worked with on a professional or volunteer basis. This typically does not include friends and family. If you don't have any, you will still need to fill in each field with the best answer you have or a "N/A".


I don't have any previous employment. How should I answer these questions?

Answer them as best you can using past volunteer experience etc., or fill in each required field with "N/A".


If you need further assistance, please contact our support team at Please provide your name, email address, name of the company in which you are applying, and job title in which you are applying.