Using the Applicants Dashboard you can view basic statistics regarding applicant data for your active and archived job listings.
If the job listing you are searching for is not displayed on the Applicants Dashboard, you can use one or more filters to select the job listing you desire.- Job Title/Internal ID: This field allows you to sort by Job Title or Internal ID (if assigned an Internal ID).
- Department: This field allows you to sort by the Business Units in your portal.
- Assigned To: This field allows you to sort by the User who has been assigned a particular Job Listing(s).
- Active: This field allows you to sort by Active, Archived or Both. Archived means that the Job Listing(s) has been removed from the User's Active view.
- Date Range: This field allows you to sort by Job Listings posted in these ranges: Today, Yesterday, Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days, and Past Year.
A. Viewed: This number represents the number of unique users who have viewed the job listing.*
B. Started: This is the number of users who started an application for the particular job listing.
C. Completed: This is the number of users who completed an application for the particular job listing.
D. Incomplete: The number of applicants who started but have not completed an application for the particular job listing.
E. Indeed IA: The number of applicants using the Indeed Easily Apply process specifically who have not completed an application for the particular job listing.
F. Met BQ: This field lists the number of applicants who met the Basic Qualifications after using Scoring and/or Disqualification filters established for this job listing.
G. No Status: This number represents the number of applicants who have not yet been assigned an application status.
One item to note about this data. Applications completed during a given time frame are not necessarily started during that same time frame. With the option to select different time frames, this method is a good way to acquire a quick compare and contrast of applicant data during a particular window of time. For more in depth examination, you can run an Applicant Analytics report using the Reports Dashboard of your portal. This particular report is an expanded version with percentage columns.
* Applicants using the Indeed Apply/Quick Apply tool on Indeed will not be counted as VIEWED because they will view the job description only on the Indeed site and not be directed to the ATS to view the job description.