Q: Does ExactHire ATS share jobs with JobInventory.com?
A: Yes. The ExactHire ATS has an automated feed that a client may opt-in to upon setup. Please contact Clients Services to add this job board.
Q: Which jobs are shared with JobInventory.com?
A: All jobs with an ACTIVE status and shared on your career site will be shared to JobInventory.com.
Q: How long will it take before I can locate my job(s) on JobInventory.com?
A: The standard run time for the feed is 24 hours. It may take longer for the job to process and load onto JobInventory.com
Q: How do I close jobs on JobInventory.com?
A: Change the status of the job in the ExactHire ATS to something other than ACTIVE; use FILLED, EXPIRED, etc. This action will notify JobInventory to remove the job from their job board.
Q: How long will it take to remove my jobs(s) from JobInventory.com?
A: The standard run time for the feed is 24 hours. It may take longer for the job to process and load onto JobInventory.com
Q: How do I verify that the job is listed with JobInventory.com?
A: The option to have jobs on the JobInventory.com feed from ExactHire ATS is an all on or all off option. If the site setting is on, all active jobs will feed over to JobInventory.com. If unsure of the site setting, contact Client Services for verification.
Q: Will the source of JobInventory.com be automatically tracked for my JobInventory.com applicants?
A: Yes, the ExactHire ATS will track the source of the applicant based on the URL used to apply for the job.