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  2. HireCentric based ATS

Make Indented Sub-Bullets on Job Listings

Create indented sub-bullets without the use of the WYSIWYG editor.

Begin by clicking the HTML button via the WYSIWYG editor on either a Job Template or Job Listing. Remember, the template is used as a base for each job listing. However, if you change a template, that does not translate over to any currently created job listings that used the template as a base.

The coding for a bulleted list is as follows:

  • UL – beginning of an unordered or bulleted list
  • OL – beginning of an ordered or numbered list
  • LI – indicates the line for the list
  • < > - must surround the “code”
  • / - ends the code

Make sure you have used your WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get - the ribbon of formatting buttons available) editor to modify the listing as much as possible. You will be able to tell, based on the format within the HTML code.

Because the WYSIWYG editor does not provide access to an indented list, you will have to create the code yourself.

For this list:

  • HireCentric
    • Collects Applicants
    • Advertises Jobs

Your code would read as follows:
<li>Collects Applicants</li>
<li>Advertises Jobs</li>

If you want another main bullet, you would begin text between the two </ul> lines with <li> beginning each main bullet.

The trick is to remember to end or close the code. You can search for various HTML code testing tools online to see if you have your code correct before using it in the ATS.