My Account

OnboardCentric allows users to access their stored information in an easy to access menu icon labeled My Account, which is located in the upper right of the page.

There are 4 options to choose from:  

  • Edit
  • Task Archive
  • Document Locker
  • Items Shared With Me 



From the My Account menu icon, select Edit. Updates or changes to your personal information can be made under the following menu options:  

  • Main
  • Contact Me
  • In Case of Emergency
  • Ethnicity
  • Veteran Status
  • Change Password

Note, that after any changes are made, click on the blue Update button on the lower right of the tab to ensure all changes are captured by the site.   

Task Archive

From the My Account menu icon, select Task Archive.  Completed tasks immediately land here once they are signed and submitted, and are able to be viewed individually by highlighting the line item and choosing View (lower right of the page).  


Once the task is open, the user is able to print or download by clicking on the selection in the upper right of the page. Various browser settings may give various options.  


Document Locker

From the My Account menu icon, select Document Locker.  Each user’s document locker is visible by both the user and the company’s OnboardCentric administrative users.  

Documents can be uploaded to this menu option through an Upload Task (completed by the user that is assigned the Upload Task). The task will instruct the user to upload a document which can be in PDF, image file, text-based or spreadsheet file format.  Once the upload is complete, the uploaded document is available to view, download, or print directly from the Document Locker.   

Documents can also be manually added to the Document Locker by either the user or administrator user. The steps to complete this action include:  

  1. My Account
  2. Document Locker
  3. Click the blue Add New button (lower right of the page)
  4. Enter the name of the document and click the blue Browse button to select the file
  5. Click the blue Add file button.  

Note:  The Document Locker will remain locked until the I9 form is completed and signed by both the New Hire and the company’s I9 Approver. 


Items Shared With Me

From the My Account menu icon, select Items Shared With Me.  This menu option is tied to the Shared Tasks Feature within OnboardCentric. To view the “shared task” the user will navigate to My Account > Items Shared With Me. Similarly to the Document Locker, the user is able to view, download, or print the task by highlighting the line item and making their selection.  

Click Here to learn more about the Share Tasks Feature. This feature must be turned on by ExactHire.  If you would like this added to your platform please contact