1. Support Center
  2. HireCentric based ATS

Optional Features for Non Posting Managers

When creating a Non-Posting Manager, there are a variety of features or tools that can be given to or withheld from the user.

The basic functions given to a Non-Posting Manager, that cannot be withheld, are:

Please note: This user does not have the ability to post jobs.

There are many optional functions that can be given to the Non-Posting Manager described below.

Show Notes and History Tab: The Notes and History tab of the applicant record can be allowed to the user or hidden from view.

Enable Copy Applicants: Allow the user to copy or manually add this applicant to another job. 

Can Add EEO for Manually Added Applicants: Allow the user to add or edit the EEO information for any manually added applicant. 

Can Make Notes: Allow the user to add notes to the Notes and History tab. (Must Show Notes and History tab in order to allow this option.)

Access to the Requisition tool: Allow the user to have access to the tool which allows them to create a requisition as well as monitor the approval process on existing requisitions. 

Edit Applicant Source: This feature must be turned on for your site as a whole before you can allow managers the ability. The user would have the ability to edit the applicant declared source.

Edit Applicant Status Date: This feature must be turned on for your site as a whole before you can allow managers the ability. The user would have the ability to edit the date a status was assigned to an applicant.

Integrations: These features must be turned on for your site as a whole before you can allow managers access to the Integration tab and the features within. Various integrations with background check or assessment providers are held in this area.