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Using Email Templates in the ATS

If you find yourself doing a fair amount of email correspondence to applicants from within the ATS, then you should be taking advantage of the ability to add and edit email templates.

To access your existing email templates or to create new ones, navigate to the Email Templates tab within the Settings Dashboard.

If you wish to examine and/or edit the text associated with an existing template, simply click the magnifying glass icon next to that email template name. To archive an email template that you no longer wish to use, click the red down arrow. You may unarchive templates at any time by accessing the "show inactive" link at the bottom of the page and then clicking the up arrow next to the archived email template.

To add a new email template, click the plus icon on the left side of the tab. The email templates allow you to utilize personalization strings in your correspondence. There is a list of personalization strings provided that you may use in your email template. Simply copy and paste the whole string (including the hash tags) into the text body to indicate your preferred placement (i.e. Dear #first_name#,).

Complete the fields provided:
Copy From Default - If you have an existing email template that includes text very similar to the new template you are creating you may select the existing template to use as a base from which to create your new template.
Template Name - The email template name will not be visible to applicants, but it will be visible to users on the applicant record in the email history section.
Sender Email - This will default to no-reply@hirecentric.com; however, you may change it as necessary depending on the purpose of the template. Here are some tips:
  • If you prefer that your personal email address is displayed in the email then you should place the email address in the "sender email" field. Please note that there is an automatic footer displayed at the bottom of all messages sent. The footer will read: "Do Not Reply to this email, if you need to reply please send an email to: [insert your email address here]."
NOTE: It is best to use this approach only when you are sending an individual a message. The challenge with using your personal address to send group messages is that your correspondence is more likely to be recognized as spam by other email programs since you are sending to multiple people at once.
  • If the email template will be most often used to email large groups of applicants we suggest leaving the sender email field blank. This will automatically send all messages from no-reply@hirecentric.com.

NOTE: The purpose of leaving the "sender email" field blank before saving the email template is to make sure that the footer in the email template reads as follows: "Please do not reply to this email, as it is from a No-Reply Address." If you were to add the default no-reply email address in that field, then the automatic footer would read as follows: "Do Not Reply to this email, if you need to reply please send an email to: no-reply@hirecentric.com."

Email Subject - Enter your desired email subject. If you are using the no-reply sending address in the email template make sure to include the name of your organization in the subject line so that applicants will recognize the message as coming from your company.

Email Body - Enter your message text here. This section is plain-text only. If you wish to reference any website links in your message make sure to type out the entire URL address for the website.

Click the Add New button when you are finished creating the email templates. The new template will appear in the updated list of existing email templates.

To utilize one of your email templates in conjunction with a single applicant, click on an applicant's email address in the applicant record. A window will appear prompting you to choose your desired email template from the list of existing active email templates. Once you have selected the email template the email form will populate with the email template information. You will be able to make changes before sending the email to your applicant. 
Email templates may also be used to communicate with a group of applicants. On the Applicants Dashboard use the Send Emails tab. Select the group of applicants by using the check boxes on the left side of the page. Select the desired template from the Email Template drop-down box at the bottom of the page. At this point you will have the opportunity to make any additional edits to the email message before clicking Send.

NOTE: The applicants prior email history for the application will be listed below the applicant information.