Users may quickly identify the Source information provided by the applicants of a particular job listing and/or the Status breakdown of the applicants for a particular job listing.
The ATS offers an extensive collection of reports that are available for your use within the Reports dashboard. However, if you are seeking to quickly identify the Source information provided by the applicants of a particular job listing and/or the Status breakdown of the applicants for a particular job listing, here is a quick way to locate that information using the Applicants Dashboard.
First, click on the Applicants Dashboard in the top right corner of your ATS site.
Next, find the job listing for which you are seeking Source and/or Status information, and click the magnifying glass to the left of the job listing. You can also use the drop down box, Filter By, in the top right corner to select a different job listing. (See image below.)To identify the sources designated by the applicants for your chosen job listing, click on the Source Report tab for the selected job listing. This will break down the sources designated by the applicants for this role as shown in the example below. If you would like to select a different job listing, use the drop down box, Filter By, to select a different job listing, and then select the Source Report tab.
Note: The Source Report tab does not include information on incomplete applications.
If you would like to see a Status Report of the applicants for this job listing, simply click on the Status Report tab, to see the current status of the applicant group. (See image below.) If you would like to select a different job listing, use the Filter By drop down field in the top right to select a different job listing. Once you have selected the job listing you desire, click the Status Report tab. Note: The Status Report tab does not include information on incomplete applications.