HireCentric ATS to ExactHire ATS Migration - FAQs

  1. Are there any increased costs associated with the migration?
    1. No implementation/set fee up to migrate from the HireCentric ATS to the ExactHire ATS.
    2. No increase in your ongoing ATS access fees if a migration date is scheduled prior to October 31, 2024.
    3. OPTIONAL items that will incur added cost. (For more information on pricing please contact support@exacthire.com.):
      1. Event Scheduling (calendar integration)
      2. Google Maps
      3. Import of all historical data from the HireCentric ATS into the ExactHire ATS. An export of data is provided for no fee. 
  2. Do I need to sign a new contract?
    1. Yes. The ExactHire ATS does have additional features that warrant an updated set of terms and conditions (e.g. job seekers consent for data charges that may be applicable if the job seeker receives text messages); we will ask you to sign a new contract that acknowledges your understanding of the product’s terms.
  3. What are the important deadlines?
    1. October 31, 2024
      1. There will be no increase in your ongoing ATS access fees if a migration date is scheduled prior to October 31, 2024. (Yes, you can have the new advanced system for the price of the legacy system!)
    2. January 1, 2025
      1. If a date has not been scheduled for migration with our team by January 1, 2025, our team will notify you of the selected date.
    3. March 1, 2025
      1. Job board integrations will be retired on March 1, 2025, causing the application submission number to drop due to most applications coming from job boards.
    4. May 1, 2025
      1. All applicant facing HireCentric ATS pages will be retired, allowing administrative users to access the applications but no longer allowing any applicants to submit information.
    5. July 1, 2025
      1. HireCentric will be completely retired and no longer available for access on July 1, 2025.
  4. How long does ExactHire ATS implementation last?
    1. We are dedicated to making the migration as seamless for you as possible. Depending on your launch preference, we can have the ExactHire ATS platform available to you in as little as one week. From our experience, once a date has been selected, most clients migrate completely in under two weeks.
  5. What are my options for accessing previous applicant data once I am using the ExactHire ATS?
    1. You will have continued access to the administrative area of the HireCentric ATS for an agreed upon period of time. You will be able to resolve any remaining applications within the ATS.
    2. A Full Data Export will be provided, at no additional cost, when your HireCenrtric ATS is closed.
  6. What are the launch options?
    1. Start Fresh - No settings or data imported from the HireCentric ATS into the ExactHire ATS. The platform can be available to start training in as little as one week.
    2. Customize (recommended) - Selected existing HireCentric ATS settings will be replicated in the ExactHire ATS; no data imported. The platform can be available to start training in as little as one week. 
    3. Import ($) - All historical information (settings & data) will be imported into the ExactHire ATS. 
      1. Consultation with Client Success and Development Teams will be needed. Essential benchmark dates will be scheduled by the Development Team.
      2. Cost estimate for import will be provided.
  7. What are the basic steps involved with making the migration from the HireCentric ATS to the ExactHire ATS?
    1. Step 1 - Meet with a member of ExactHire’s Client Success Team (support@exacthire.com) to discuss the migration launch options and ExactHire ATS features.
    2. Step 2 - Determine your launch preference.
      1. If you also use ExactHire’s OnboardCentric, we ensure that the integration between the ExactHire ATS and OnboardCentric is available immediately.
      2. If you use other HireCentric ATS integrations for background checks or assessments, we ensure that the integrations are available immediately.
        1. If you have an interest in adding OnboardCentric or integrations for background checks and/or assessments now or in the near future contact us at support@exacthire.com
    3. Step 3 - Select a Go Live date.
    4. Step 4 - Review and sign a new contract for the ExactHire ATS.
    5. Step 5 - Attend all customized training sessions to ensure easy adoption.
  8. Where can I find out more about what features are available in the ExactHire ATS?
    1. Review the ATS feature comparison.
    2. Visit our Client Success Knowledge Base to reference the ever-growing list of ExactHire product tip sheets.
    3. To see information on the latest updates to ExactHire ATS, visit: https://www.exacthire.com/product-updates/